Establishing Foundational Skills for Academic Performance – EFSAP®

Learn how to prepare your young child for school from the convenience of your own home. Read about the EFSAP program and how it can help both parents and teachers train often ignored learning skills.

There are several products designed to prepare children for school by teaching learning skills. From our early learning curriculum kit developed for 3-5 year olds to individual skills programs for older students, all EFSAP® products ensure children will have learning skills before academic learning is required. Let’s teach HOW to Learn before WHAT to Learn.

This 3 level 15 lesson program spends 1-3 weeks on each lesson to show children object versus symbol identification – giving visual-spatial children a solid grounding of the concepts before they are required to read.

EFSAP is not a reading program – it is a learning preparation program.

Who benefits from this program?

  • Children age 3-5 who are in families where parents or grandparents have traits of dyslexia, dysgraphia, autism, learning disabilities or who were visual-spatial and struggled at school.
  • Children age 3-6 who were adopted.
  • Children age 3-6 who have experienced trauma.

This program was designed to ensure success in academics by instilling the essential foundations for learning that most children with learning disabilities do not have.

The program is recommended for normally developing 3-5 year-olds or older children who have learning confusions.

We offer several products from EFSAP to parents who are homeschooling.

Read more about the EFSAP Parent/Tutor kit.

Read more about the EFSAP classroom program.

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